Entering absolute dynamics

Choose the dynamic marking you want from the dynamics palette, position the cursor where you want the marking to be inserted and click. METRO attaches the marking to that staff, at that measure.

METRO changes the cursor to indicate where it is attaching the new marking:

Cursor Meaning

Met00020.gif This crosshair appears when the cursor is directly
over a staff and indicates that the next action
applies to this staff.

Met00021.gif This crosshair appears when the cursor is above
a staff and indicates that the next action applies
to the staff immediately below the cursor.

Met00022.gif This crosshair appears when the cursor is below
a staff and indicates that the next action applies
to the staff immediately above the cursor.

See Also:

Entering dynamics across each staff a system:

Editing dynamic markings

Repositioning dynamic markings

Copying dynamic markings

Entering crescendo and decrescendo markings (hairpins)

Editing a hairpin

Entering absolute dynamics