The Record/Play dialog box allows you to set up a number of record and playback options and to
set up Loop Record options. Choose from the following options:
No Countoff selecting No Countoff will cause Metro to begin recording or playing back immediately after you
click the Record or Play button (or when you press the Spacebar or Option-r keys).
Countoff a Countoff is a particular number of bars that the Counter runs through before
beginning record or playback. After the Countoff, record or playback starts
at the current counter position. To set a Countoff, click the Countoff button and set the number of bars you want Metro to run through before
recording or playing back MIDI or audio.
The Countoff time you set here can be enabled or disabled using the Transport
window’s Count/Wait pop-up menu. From within the Transport window, if you want the Countoff
enabled, choose the Count/Wait pop-up menu and select Countoff; if you want Countoff to be disabled, choose the Count/Wait pop-up menu and select No Countoff.
Wait for First Note Before Recording prevents Metro from recording until you play a note on your MIDI controller,
thus sending Metro a MIDI note event. This allows you to click Record or press Option-r to put Metro into a pause-record mode until the first MIDI note is played
from your controller. Wait for First Note Before Recording does not support the recording of audio tracks.
Note: You won’t hear any existing tracks play until you activate Record by playing a note
from your MIDI controller; however, the Metronome may be audible (depending on
the Metronome settings).
Multiple Take Mode works in conjunction with Metro’s Loop Record feature, which you enable in the Transport. See Loop Recording for more information on Loop Recording.
As of version 6, Loop Recording supports the recording of Audio Tracks.
Loop Recording allows you to record successive takes within the same time
range. Multiple Take Mode causes each loop you record to be placed on the next higher-numbered track.
As you record each loop, previous loops are muted so you hear only the one you’re currently recording.
Song Building Mode like Multiple Take Mode, Song Building Mode also works in conjunction with Metro’s Loop Record feature. Checking Song Building Mode causes all loops to be recorded onto separate tracks without being muted. Song Building Mode is good for building rhythm tracks; for example, adding a new timbre to a
drum pattern on each successive Record Loop pass.
Input Quantize you can use all of Metro’s MIDI quantize options on input (Recording), including Groove Quantize
(Groove Quantize is not available in Metro SE). Click the Input Quantize button to access the Input Quantize dialog. Quantize settings apply to MIDI input data when the Input Quantize checkbox is selected.
Refer to the Quantize command under the Options menu for more information.