I get no sound from my MIDI track

There are numerous reasons why you might not hear anything from a MIDI track:

  1. Your Studio Setup is faultyMet90000.gifconsult your OMS/AMS documentation to test your Studio Setup.

  2. The Mute button on your MIDI track is turned onMet90000.giffind the M column on the left side of the Tracks window and make sure there is no dot in it (click the dot to remove it).

  3. If you use your soundcard’s internal MIDI synth for MIDI, the Metro volume fader in the Instruments Mixer window might be turned down. Open the Instruments Mixer window (Command-I), find the name of the MIDI Output associated with the track in question (look at the bottom of the Instruments Mixer window), and drag the fader up. Also check the Master fader at the far right of the Instruments Mixer window.

  4. If you use your soundcard’s internal MIDI synth for MIDI, your Mac’s internal amplifier could be turned down. You may need to adjust Volumes or Sound Out in the Control Panels. Open the Sound window by choosing Apple menu > Control Panels > Sound (not Monitors and Sound). Also, make sure no Mute buttons are checked in the Sound window.

  5. If you use an external sound module for MIDI, check its volume and the amplifier it’s connected to.

  6. You haven’t chosen the correct output to match the sound module you are usingMet90000.gifclick the name in the Outputs column of the Tracks window and select an output that matches the sound module you are using.

I get no sound from my MIDI track