Recording Controller Events Using Faders

After you record some controller enents using faders, to play back these events you must make sure the Play button at the top of the Instruments Mixer window is depressed.

To record controller events using faders:

  1. Choose Record Criteria from the Setup menu and check Controllers to enable the recording of controllers.

  2. Choose Record/Play from the Setup menu and make sure either No Countoff or Countoff is selected. If Wait for First Note Before Recording is selected, Metro will not activate recording until it receives a note on message (this mode does not support audio recording).

  3. Choose Tracks from the windows menu or type Command-K to open the Tracks window.

  4. Record enable a track by clicking its Record column, placing a selector dot there.

  5. If you’re recording with Metro Outputs, select the Output for the record track that is associated with the desired controller and fader in the Instruments Mixer window..

  6. If you’re recording with Ports, make sure the Output is set to the correct port. If necessary, use the Edit Port item in the Output pop-up field to change the Port’s port assignment.

  7. Click Record or press Option-R.

  8. In the Instruments Mixer window (Command-I), click the Output’s fader associated with the controller you want to record.

  9. Hold down the mouse, and move the fader up to raise the controller value, or down to lower it.

Notice that as you move the fader, the current controller value is displayed in the Instrument Mixer window’s Data field.

  1. Click Stop or press the Spacebar to stop recording.


See Also:


Recording Controller Events Using Faders