Adding Outputs/Faders
Metro assigns Outputs to either a MIDI or audio port. Metro associates faders on a one-to-one basis with Metro Outputs. When you add or delete Outputs, you also add or delete faders.
With OMS or MSS, you initially have the same number of Outputs as output device channels defined in the Current Studio Setup document. Under OS 9 without OMS you initially have 32 Outputs.
If you want to add more Outputs (which also adds more faders), you can do so by either using the Modify Outputs and Busses command (Special menu), or by simply copying an existing Output and pasting it to the end of the Output row along the bottom of the Instruments Mixer window.
To add Outputs using the Modify Outputs and Busses command:
- From the Special menu, choose Modify Outputs and Busses.
The Modify Outputs and Aux Busses dialog box appears.
- Click the Add button. Also click the Replace Existing checkbox ONLY if you want to replace all current Outputs.
- Click the checkbox under the Add button and fill in the number of Outputs you want to add in the field just to the right of the checkbox.
- Click the popup menu that is located just to the right of the words Outputs on and select a port.
- In the Named field, fill in a name for your Outputs.
Metro adds the channel number after the name of each Output you create to distinguish one Output from another.
- In the Starting with Channel field, fill in the channel for the first output.
Metro adds as many outputs as you specify, each with the next higher channel number starting with the number you specify.
- Repeat steps 3-6 for any different ports you want to add outputs to.
- Click OK.
To add Outputs using Copy and Paste do the following:
- In the Instruments Mixer window (Command-I), click directly on an Output name at the bottom of the window to select that Output.
- Press Command-C or choose Copy from the Edit menu.
- Deselect the previously selected Output by clicking anywhere between Output Names within the grey areas of the Instruments Mixer windowdo not click on another Output Name.
Be sure there are no Output Names highlighted; if there are you will merely paste over the selected Output instead of adding a new Output.
- Press Command-V or choose Paste from the Edit menu.
Notice Metro adds a copy of the selected Output to the row of Output Names (you may have to scroll to see it).
- If you want, rename the new Output and set its parameters by double-clicking on the output name to open the Define Output dialog box.
Copying Outputs also copies Output parameters, which you may or may not want to do. Keep this in mind when selecting the Output to be copied.
The Modify Outputs and Aux Busses dialog box (Special menu) allows you to update all your Outputs to accurately reflect any changes made to your Current Studio Setup document. Clicking the Make outputs reflect current studio setup document button in this dialog box erases any existing Outputs and makes the same number of Outputs as output device channels defined in your Current OMS or MSS Studio Setup document. Using this feature may keep the same number of Outputs, or it may add or delete Outputs, depending on your Current Studio Setup document.
See Also:
The Instruments Mixer Window