The Lyric List

Name, select, and assign lyrics in this section.

The lyric list contains the following elements:

Lyric Selector Dots. Click on these dots to select a lyric for editing. The dot changes to a small triangle.

Name Column. Use this area to name each lyric in the Lyric list. Click in this area and type to change the name.

Voice column. Use this column to assign the lyric to a specific voice. METRO supports up to eight voices.

Verse column. Use this column to assign the lyric to a specific verse. METRO supports up to eight verses per staff.

Measure column. Use this column to select a starting measure for each lyric. METRO automatically flows lyrics beginning on the first note in this measure.

Lyric Overview. This column provides a display of the first few words from each lyric line, to help you identify lyrics. You cannot edit lyrics in this area, only view them. Use the Lyric editing area to edit them.

See Also:

Button bar

Lyric editing area

Using the Lyric Window

The Lyric List