Opening Metro and Setting Up MIDI (with OMS)
To open Metro and set up MIDI:
- Double-click the Metro application icon, which youll find in the Metro folder on the drive where you installed Metro.
The MIDI Setup dialog appears when you launch Metro for the first time, or if metro does not detect a record source (when running OMS).
Note: If the MIDI Setup dialog did not open, choose MIDI Setup from the Setup menu.
- Click and drag the Record From pop-up menu to select a MIDI device you wish to record from. For the purposes of this tutorial, be sure to select your MIDI controller as a record source. A check mark next to a device in the pop-up designates it is selected for recording.
Hint: MIDI controllers such as keyboards, fader boxes, drum pads, and guitar controllers are typically selected as devices that you will be recording from. MIDI sound modules, effect processors and other playback-only devices are usually not selected as record sources.
- Choose the Record From pop-up again for each additional MIDI device you wish to record from.
- Choose 480 under the Clocks per quarter note pop-up menu. 480 clocks (sometimes called pulses or ticks) per quarter note is the standard timing resolution for most professional MIDI sequencer applications. (Metros highest timing resolution can be set to 960 clocks per quarter note.)
- Click OK to close the MIDI Setup dialog.
You have configured metros MIDI recording options. Dont worry about the Receive Sync From and Send Sync To options in the MIDI Setup dialog, these features are only applicable when working with MIDI Time Code or MIDI Clock, which are not relevant for the purposes of this tutorial.
The next step in your first session is Configuring Your Audio Setup.