Multiple Take Mode

Multiple Take mode lets you listen only to the pass you're currently recording so each 'take' is not influenced by the last. Multiple take mode records onto one or multiple tracks depending on whether you have chosen Overdub or Replace in the Record Mode section of the dialog box.

Loop Recording does not support the recording of Audio Tracks.

The Record Loop Setup you choose determines a style of loop recording. For example, Loop Recording would be useful if you had a 4 bar loop going and started off by playing the kick drum, on the second pass (while the kick drum begins to loop) you might add the snare, the third pass (while kick and snare continue to loop) you add the high hat, the fourth pass... etc. Depending on the Record Loop Setup, Metro will keep each pass on a separate and unique track: kick on track 1; snare on track 2; high hat on track 3; and so on.

Multiple Take Mode